As a clever, charming, and sophisticated witch I enjoy researching and collecting folklore (witchlore for the most part). I love all things that start with phrases like “It is said…” “An old way of….” “Traditionally…” etc. So great is my fascination that any lore you have collected I would LOVE to hear it. If you have any book recommendations or sources send ‘em my way! I’d appreciate it very much!
Also, looking around for all this lore also means that I stumble upon some weird stuff. This weird stuff is what will make up the Strange Lore posts. Typically they will probably be small paragraphs or even one sentence posts. But they’ll be interesting to say the least.
For example, the first entry in the Strange Lore category:
I was looking around the interwebs searching for items to add to my master lists (A fu-huge list of ingredients separated by intent. i.e., protection, love, luck, etc.) and eventually found a page on blackberries. I love blackberries; they are just the most wonderful little things. The brambles are GREAT in witch bottles as a spikey little bother to whatever you’re trying to trap. Also, apparently, they are believed to protect individuals from vampires.
This isn’t the weird bit because, frankly, I believe in vampires. And I’m not talking about ‘psychic’ vampires or people vampires (individuals that when you are around them they just seem to suck the life out of everyone and everything). Those are real, too, but I’m talking full-on suck your blood for sustenance vampires. I love vampires and if I could run into one I would respectfully request to be turned into one. Yeah, I know. Ha-ha-ha he’s so funny.
Anyway, enough of that. The weird bit about this tidbit of folklore emerges in the belief surrounding the blackberries protective qualities from vampires. Apparently, if blackberries are planted close to a home, any vampires would be unable to enter the house because they would become obsessive about counting the berries and would ultimately forget their intentions.
Didn’t know that did ya? Well, you’re welcome.
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