Monday, September 12, 2011

Services & Products

Welp. It’s finally here.  We’ve done it.

            Here’s our list of services and products! BOO-YAH.
If you are interested in our services and products contact us through e-mail at or message us on facebook at Roan Hall-Acres.  Please do not hesitate to ask us ANY questions! Also, pictures will be coming soon!

A view from the shop
Readings & Weaves - Glimpsing through the mists: 

Reading (Individual) - $5 for one question
Reading (Individual) - $8 for three questions
Reading (Individual) - $6 for a general reading (No question, reading shows just what we see coming or going or staying or both or whatever of interest)
Triple Reading - Add $5 to any service - Reading is performed by all three of us resulting in much more detail AND probably more humorous explanations. We're pretty funny at times.
Custom Weave - Designed for your specific scenario - $20*
Dream Therapy - $10 per dream interpretation

Charms, Talismans, Pendulums, & Curios:
Weave Pouch - $10
Customized Weave Pouch - $15* - designed for your specific scenario*
DreamCatcher - $13 - $15
Weave Candles - $4 each (two candles, see picture below) (buy two get third half off! That is to say, six candles for $10!)
Custom Weave Candle - $13 for 4 - Made for your specific scenario*

Weave Candles and my little house protector guy. Cute huh?
*All listings followed by an (*) indicate the possibility of an additional charge IF supplies are needed, hard to find, rare, etc. This information will be discussed before finalization of a purchase. You will have the choice to go ahead with the needed ingredient or material or request a substitute in order to avoid the additional charge. We're nice people though, so, we're not going to be all bitchy about it. :)

There will be more up for sale as we go along.  The products and items listed above are the ‘ol standbys and will be available FOOORRRREEEEEEVVVVEEEEERRRRRRR.  Other stuff is on its way.  There are TONS of things on their way to this blog/shop.  We are also open to the idea of custom work, so just ask us!

Ask us!

Ask us!
If there is something you’re looking for that you don’t see above, ask us.  Chances are we know something about it or where to point you. Ask us about anything even if you do see it above! If you’re interested in something, ask us.  If you’re looking for something, ask us! If you want to know how we perceive something, ask us!
Ya know what? ASK US!
We like to talk and we like to meet new people especially those interested in spirituality! Shoot us an e-mail, find us on facebook, whatever. 

About us. Who we are. What we do. Why we do it.

Eventually we will be using this space effectively.  Right now we’re still getting started. 
Shit, it takes a lot of work starting a blog/shop!

Anyway. Enough of that poppycock.  Let’s start things off with a little introduction.
 The three of us found our connection over two years ago and have been working closely since.  Once the connection was noticed we began to explore it.  We found that we have shared several lives together and have been spiritual partners in most of them.  We like to visit graveyards and chat with the dead.  We like channeling.  We like looking into past lives.  We like spirits.  We like entities.  We like all beings, after all they each have their place.  We love Halloween, which we celebrate IN ADDITION to Samhain instead of combining the two or just celebrating one.  We like cooking.  We like brews.  We like booze.  We like our hair.  And we like you. 

            We want to be a resource for others on The Path.  Questions, comments, answers, etc.  All is welcome to us.  We have gathered a great deal of information in our lives (Get it? Because of the past life statement earlier??! Huh? Funny right? Ha!) and know a great many things…

So, it’s much easier to answer a question than write a summary about oneself.  If you desire to know anything more please ask.  If not we hope you enjoy what we do!  We sometimes share the how-to’s if you ask us nicely.  And compliment us.  Yesss complimentssss!

Here is a little more in depth information on each of us.

Aranohna as a scary ghost face!! Ahhh!

 Aranohna: Since very young I have been interested in the supernatural and the mystical.  All things magical called to me and held my attention more than anything else.  I found comfort in the typical ‘scary’ things and grew to love them in an almost parent/child manner.  I know.  Sounds weird.  I have also played with things that were not there, looked off into space for long periods of time, and talked to things that no one else heard. Your basic witch childhood, if you will.
            Anyway, naturally I picked up an interest in Wicca.  When I was roughly thirteen years old I got my hands on books all about Wicca! It was so exciting! I memorized the rules and read everything three times before trying even the tiniest thing! Hooray! Yay! It was so exciting and fun and I was the most studious little witch ever! (I don’t call what I do now Wicca, hence the sort-of facetious tone…)
            Then one night while slumbering in bed I was awakened.  I felt with incredible realness hands wrapped around my throat and squeezing tightly.  I felt the air trapped in my lungs and I began to panic.  I could not breath.  I could not get free.  As I squirmed from side to side trying to find a way to release myself from his grip my eyes began to focus.  Slowly the shape of a large man emerged out of the darkness.  He was bald with rough features and rough hands.  His face was stubbly and his black skin was glistening with frustrated sweat.  He cursed a few words out, mumbled something about killing, and then in an instant was gone.  I could breath and as the air began to fill me I immediately threw up metaphysical walls locking me into a private little box. 
            I kept that box up until 2008 or so when I began cautiously testing the waters.  I wanted nothing to do with magical activities or spirits or entities or anything after that night.  However, I overcame my fear and investigated.  I searched my memory to find the details and relived it all.  I suppose that I needed to learn about protection before I did anything else on The Path.  Learned that lesson loud and clear, I tell you what. 
            Soon after I met Robin and her daughter, Tati.  We quickly bonded once I was in the place where I could explore my interests in The Path with them.  We have been stuck together ever since. I developed the gifts that I demonstrated earlier in life and have successfully torn down most of the unnecessary metaphysical walls I placed up for protection.  I have learned how to protect myself and as such I opened up and allowed for experiences again.  I have clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, I’m intuitive and empathic (which is pretty annoying sometimes), I have prophetic dreams and visions, I scry, I astral travel, I meditate, and so much more.  I have a seemingly natural ability to get along with plants (they are SUCH good listeners) and I love working with them.  I am intensely interested in homemade natural products for all sorts of things.  Like so many others on The Path, I’m blessed to have been approached by Crow as a spirit animal.  It’s really hard to put everything down in a short bio so I’m just going to stop.  More about me will slip out as I make more posts (I’m the primary writer of the blog).  And more about Robin and Tati will slip through, too. 


Robin: Robin  grew up with the ability to see and hear spirits, as well as an awareness of past lives.  Although there was no encouragement from her family and friends, she was determined to believe in her inner voice.  Robin has spent her life searching and discovering new and old applications for her natural gifts and abilities. 
Robin has been guided to pursue spiritual studies, metaphysics, and weave work.  She uses her natural intuitive and empathic qualities to do higher-self readings, guided journeys, house cleansing and blessings, tarot readings, and creative individualized weaves.  At this time, Robin is being guided to experiment with and begin helping others through Akashic Record reading as well.  Channeling the energies of the elements as well as other entities also impacts Robin's ability to help others and gather information for contribution for the higher good.


Tati: As Robin’s youngest daughter, Tati stood to inherit marvelous gifts of sight.  She has demonstrated a natural ability in many areas of spiritual outreach.  Through some past life exercises she has developed an attachment to the Goddess Isis and brings her strong will when she needs to.  Tati has shown a natural ability to channel and can slip into a trance at the drop of a hat.  Her gifts are still developing and we expect to see a great many things from her.

We each have our own individual methods of performing on The Path and we encourage you to get to know us! We’re nice people and make great friends.  

We hope that this glimpse helps you develop a connection with us.  I realize that my bio is just a tad longer than Robin and Tati’s… Whoops.

Anyway, we look forward to meeting you and we wish you a fond Blessed Be.